Daily Services

  1. Matins (Morning Prayers) or the Divine Liturgy  and Vespers (Evening Prayers) will be served nearly every day at St. Basil the Great Orthodox Mission in Weatherford, OK.  There are several feasts interspersed as well – see our Calendar page for details.  All are welcome to join us in prayer and to learn more about Ancient Christianity – the Orthodox Church!

Week of 10/20/24

Monday        10/21    
Tuesday        10/22    Vespers 5:00 pm
Wednesday  10/23    Matins 9:00 am / Vespers 5:00 pm, Study & Fellowship Supper
Thursday      10/24    Matins 9:00 am / Vigil  4:00 pm
Friday            10/25   Hrs. 8:10/Divine Liturgy 8:30 am /  Vespers 5:00 pm
Saturday        10/26   Vigil 4:00 pm (Confessions to follow)
Sunday           10/27   Hrs 9:10 am /Divine Liturgy 9:30 am ~ Agape Feast, Reading & Discussion


***All Services and teaching are Central Daylight Time and will be live streamed. If you would like to receive links to join any of those contact Fr. Nick at nick@saintbasil.org.

About the Services

Censing at Matins

What is Matins?

Matins (also spelled Mattins, from the Latin, matutinae, “morning”) is the Western familiar term for Orthros (from the Greek, meaning “morning”, “dawn” or “arise”).  It is the most intricate of the daily cycle of services (see below).

Vespers at a parish in Missouri

What is Vespers?

Vespers (from the Greek, ῾εσπερα, and the Latin, vesper, meaning “evening”) is first service of the daily cycle of divine services celebrated in the Orthodox Church. Because the liturgical day begins at sunset, Vespers is traditionally served in the early evening.

The Daily Cycle of Services

  1. Vespers (sunset)
  2. Compline (after-dinner) – also known as Apodeipnon
  3. Midnight Office (12:00am) – also known as Mesonyktikon
  4. Orthros (sunrise) – also known as Matins
  5. First Hour (6:00am)
  6. Third Hour (9:00am)
  7. Sixth Hour (12:00pm)
  8. Ninth Hour (3:00pm)